Warlord’s response to the controversy

by dumnew10


  1. poopoopoopalt

    Shame on them, they have zero class. I feel so sorry for the staff there. I give them a few months.

  2. TriedForMitchcraft

    One of the more psychotic things I’ve seen in the industry. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end.

  3. awholedamngarden

    I feel like they need to take notes from what happened to Testaccio, Fat Rice (although they’re basically back now), and even Atta Girl with their instagram bs… yikes

  4. Remarkable_Giraffe24

    Wow, certainly the worst way to fight a losing battle. This flex doesn’t impress anyone, what a hill of shit to die on.

  5. SippingAndListening

    I genuinely appreciate masks off behavior like this. It makes decision-making around them and the owner so freaking simple.

  6. AbuDhabiBabyBoy

    Lol if you boycott every restaurant that has an asshole for an owner, there won’t be many places left to eat in this town.

  7. i_am_not_your_father

    ‘memeber the 86’d list? I ‘member

  8. Is there any information about actual allegations yet? Any specific claims of what he was doing? I want to know more

  9. gepetto27

    Isn’t this the plot to a show on Hulu that just won a bunch of Emmy’s?

  10. elsachezz

    Lol my bf used to work for them. They are confirmed bat shit crazy crackheads. They 100% are abusive and mean, they wouldn’t show up to work for days (busy doing drugs or strung out) but berate anyone for being late or calling off. My bf ended up walking out on them a few years ago after being bitched out by one of them. Seems like nothings changed

  11. Ewe. This place was so disappointing- I barely touched my food- and that’s rare for me. I think the hype has gotten to everyone. And I ate there before I found out that the rodent looking owner/chef was abusing his staff and harassing women staff. This guy is gross inside and outside. And so is his food.

  12. Drinkdrankdonk

    Fuck warlord. Fuck Trevor. Fuck everyone who chooses to work with him.

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