Homemade Blueberry Pie – how did I do?

by Connor_munro9


  1. Romantic_Carjacking

    I’m gonna need about 3 of these delivered to my place ASAP.

  2. It looks like there was a little too much blueberry and it overflowed. The quality of the blueberry filling will determine whether or not that was a bad thing.

  3. Lilynight

    You did amazing! The blueberry goo on the edges is gonna be SO good.

  4. Felwintyr

    It ain’t pretty, and that’s exactly how I like it.

  5. Ornery_Entry_7483

    Looks amazing. I can nearly smell it 🥰

  6. L0n3_N0n3nt1ty

    This would be cool for a Venom watch party or some kind of horor themed Halloween party. I love it

  7. Intelligent_Wolf2199

    🤤🤤I would do…. sinful… things for that pie.🤤🤤

  8. growingwithnate

    I’d stick my face up in your pie! Mmmmm

  9. Ladameauxdaffodils

    I tell folks that unless it’s a competition piece, it only matters how it tastes! Looks delicious though!

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