Any one know what causes this to happen? First time growing beef steak tomatoes.

by twk664


  1. I don’t know, but this photo FREAKS me out. Like what is going on in there? Can you peel back the skin and it has a bunch of baby tomatoes in there?? Freaky freaky

  2. IronPenguin8800

    It’s the tomato, playing a tomato, dressed as another tomato.

  3. galileosmiddlefinger

    Wow. Severe internal proliferation, maybe? Tomatoes and peppers produce a lot of fun mutants when the ovules that normally produce their seeds instead develop fruit bodies. I suspect that those “mini-tomatoes” nested inside your beefsteak are all seedless because internally-proliferated fruit aren’t fertilized.

  4. PurplePenguinCat

    In the better part of 40 years of gardening, I’ve never seen anything like that. I really, really want to dissect it!

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