Yeah the pictures aren't the best but it was delicious.

by Immediate_Expert4095


  1. Excellent-Length2055

    It looks very rare, almost blue rare. Did you order it like that?

  2. ComRealEstateGod

    Wait until you try one that’s cooked!

  3. r/SteakorTuna That being said. I’d eat that steak.

  4. TikiTorchJoe

    It’s just a ribeye with a higher price tag my guy

  5. AssistanceSweet7219

    Yeah….that ain’t it…I dont kind rare in some cases, but God dang it that’s to rare for me

  6. Tomahawksteakss

    Enjoy big dog. Looks like seared Ahi Tuna with black pepper.


    It’s just a ribeye where you’re buying the bone weight too.

    Wait til you try one that’s cooked correctly

  8. Background-Bag6846

    I don’t get tomahawk steaks. Maybe it’s just me.

  9. uhhhgreeno

    i like rare as much as the next guy but that’s not even blue, that’s straight up raw

  10. Rare steak is delicious but it’s important to know what cuts of meat to order when getting rare.

    Tomahawk steaks have lots of fat and a large bone. You are not getting the meat hot enough for those flavors to melt into the meat when cooking it rare so you’re just wasting the cut unfortunately.

    Medium rare for off the bone and medium for on the bone ribeyes are going to give the best flavor profile.

    Rare steak is delicious but should be reserved for something like a NY strip where the fat cap is not going to be eaten anyways due to its texture.

  11. Open_Mind12

    It’s raw. I am surprised they served it. It doesn’t even look like it’s 110F.

  12. Spartancarver

    That’s tuna lol

    Blue rare isn’t ideal for fatty cuts esp bone-in

    None of that delicious fat is rendered

  13. Tuliao_da_Massa

    Genuinely thought the first pic was raw. I mean, it is, but in a straight out of the butcher shop kind of way.

  14. CrisbyCrittur

    If you enjoyed it, then that’s all that matters here. Most ppl seem to prefer cooking it more first ( myself included) to get the fullest flavor profile and render the fat.

  15. Ihatecyclists22

    Bet you can’t wait for your first time cooking one

  16. elBuddhaGuanaco

    That’s too rare for me, but glad you enjoyed it.

  17. goonsquadgoose

    Disgusting. That cut is a waste when prepared rare.

  18. DKhoneybadger89

    I believe the cow have to be dead before you eat it 👀👀

  19. Moses7778

    Looks awesome dude, next time add a little more pepper to the exterior, and maybe some heat

  20. Grundlemiah

    To each their own, but enjoy ribeyes most more towards medium. I have my tenderloins rare and my strips medium rare. But you do you.

  21. lockednchaste

    I love a good rare steak but if they killed the cow on a sunny day it would have been more well done than this.

  22. ThisIsSuperUnfunny

    where the fuck you bought this? france? that shit is raw as fuck

  23. IAmAHumanWhyDoYouAsk

    I’ve had rug burns that were more cooked than this steak.

  24. Invictus1836

    That steak was cooked under a heated argument

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