Dill pickle goes hard. 🥪🥒

by yahuurdme


  1. In this subreddit I’m learning new ways to call sandwiches

  2. UYscutipuff_JR

    Clancy’s (Aldi brand) kettle cooked honey hot chips!

  3. honestly- with whatever is at hand.

    crunch and added flavors are all I would be looking for

  4. SipoteQuixote

    Most kettles, sunchips are great, lays baked are really good because they’re very flat, flavor wise I got for anything vinergar. Voodoo chips are good too.

  5. I also use pickle chips. But like ACTUAL pickle chips

  6. joeymac93

    Nacho Cheese Doritos is my go-to sandwich chip.

    Ruffles sour cream and onion is good too.

  7. JonnyOgrodnik

    Kettle chips give a nice crunch. Also, am I the only one that thought those were bananas on the bag at first?

  8. Dependent_Top_4425

    I used to love just plain potato chips in a PB&J . Honestly I don’t know why I haven’t considered putting chips in sandwiches now as an adult but I may have to start.

  9. chiefs_fan37

    Highly recommend using the hot mustard Doritos in a sandwich. It works really well

  10. zoidberg_doc

    Sweet chilli and sour cream works great, also partial to Doritos

  11. creamgetthemoney1

    Something that doesn’t add to the heart attack of processed meats. Sheesh my boy , throw a sliver of lettuce , tom or onion in that boy. This looks like a stomach full of hard to digest processed food.Tony soprano would love you though. But seriously less cancer food and more veggies. Never thought I would wish to see someone throw avocado on a sandwich bc I don’t even like it but this just screams I don’t know how to make a good sandwhich. This hurts my belly

  12. bleeper21

    As much as I enjoy chips with my sandwich, I prefer them separate.

  13. squirrelmonkie

    Jalapeño or dill pickle kettle chips. Adds texture and some taste. When in doubt just add more pickles or Jalapeños.

  14. Gis_A_Maul

    Taytos cheese and onion, kerrygolf butter, white bread. Nothing comes close.

  15. ruffles sour cream and cheddar hits so hard mane

  16. Where are you still getting Lay’s dill pickle?

    I’ve had plenty of other dill pickle chips and none of them compete. They field tested that in my area (SoCal) and I guess it didn’t hit hard enough for them to distribute over here.

  17. KenIgetNadult

    Plain potato chips or chips that are French onion flavor.

  18. BustThaScientifical

    Maui BBQ kettle chips, or BBQ fritos. Doritos work in pinch.

  19. Fritos are great on a ham sandwich. Just have to go with a mild cheese, like Swiss, so the flavors don’t overpower each other.

  20. kombuchaprivileged

    That bread is working overtime. Beautiful.

  21. Routine-Vehicle2528

    Yeah, that pic nails it for me.. I’d just fuckin hammer that in a drunken binge..

  22. greyeyecandy

    I recently been putting Lays Fried Pickle and Ranch chips in my sandwich,highly recommend if you enjoy the Dill. Nacho cheese doritos are probably my all time favorite to put in a sandwich though.

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