Speck, salami, pepperoni, mozzarella, provolone

by Experimentallyintoit


  1. I’m sure it’s delicious but damn, how many calories is this sandwich?

  2. HotSauceHoarders

    That’s my kind of sandwich! Very nice work!

  3. NAFBYneverever

    Damn this subreddit always gets me going…

  4. Amazing looking sandwich. I love when the ingredients are spread out like this, thank you! It makes it so much easier to recreate your work and taste what you got to experience.

    Edit: I can’t spell

  5. New_girl2022

    Ugggg this is just making my Italian sandwich craving worse. Looks so good

  6. WhiteUnicorn3

    I’m sceptical that anyone can discern all the different meats in these types of sandwiches

    Maybe not even this one specifically, but the ones with 12 different types of meat

  7. Successful-Economy-2

    OP is that speck from ALDI? I get a few packs of it myself everytime I’m there and the way it’s packaged and layered looks very familiar 😭

  8. I literally salivated like Homer Simpson. Fucking hell that looks great.

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