Almost did exactly that last week, so I knew I'd have to come up with a way to prevent it from happening in the future. Calcifer seemed like the perfect choice.

by ThoughtfulCephalopod


  1. throwawaypicturefae

    This…is good. I leave pans in the oven all the time so my pets don’t get to them before I have a chance to clean them. I’ve accidentally melted a handle or two before 😅 but this may stop me

  2. DetectiveMoosePI

    Is that Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle? I love it!!

  3. A lesson I learned, actually cover the buttons with the sticker. Autopilot is good at ignoring things. RIP my salad spinner.

  4. Competitive_Guard_87

    This is literally the ✨BEST✨ thing I’ve seen all day!!! ❤️‍🔥😆

  5. YoureSpecial

    Habit is key. Make yourself open the oven door every time

  6. Firm_Elk9522

    I just made that mistake the other night. Whole day of proofing and patience to sprinting into the kitchen 10 minutes after I turned the oven on 400°. Like a plastic coated cement block. It was heartbreaking!

  7. Privileged_Interface

    Does your oven have a preset for proofing or what is the lowest temperature setting?

  8. blumpkinsplash

    My wife has done this twice to me. I know leave her a note on the oven not to kill my starter, fingers crossed that it will work

  9. JustMediocreAtBest

    May all your bread never burn! ❤️‍🔥

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