Ducks the new steak

by ConfidentFinish3580


  1. Perkinstein

    Love me some titty, dick titty ain’t no exception.

  2. I love a dry aged NY strip, but you can’t beat a properly cooked dry aged duck sometimes

  3. QuantumBonobo

    This looks looks awesome!! 👏. Tomorrow I’m buying duck!

  4. That looks fantastic. What cookware did you use?

  5. 0wmeHjyogG

    I am torn because steak needs no “new” version but your duck looks so amazing. So I will upvote but feel conflicted.

  6. Bean_Daddy_Burritos

    Use the duck fat to fry some potatoes

  7. phatmatt593

    Looks perfect! I’m going to have to do one of those typical “wife is out town” posts with duck now. She won’t eat them (and lamb too) because she says “they’re too cute.” Lmao.

  8. 86TheSnow

    That’s a DAMN FINE sear if I must say so. Jesus H

  9. Duck is so good, it’s criminal how unpopular duck is in the US

  10. Dry-Squirrel1026

    It’s even better fresh off a duck hunt! Not the game!
    😆 🤣

  11. FinndBors

    How did you get the skin to look so crispy?

  12. bobone77

    If you think this looks like steak, you need to get down to TX and try some Sandhill Crane. Its nickname is “ribeye of the sky,” and it lives up to that and more. I love duck, and this looks great, but Sandhill Crane are another level of water fowl.

  13. Separate-Abrocoma-31

    Bout to cook up some Duck L’Orange after seeing this

  14. _lefthook

    I had duck like this for the first time last night.

    It was straight fire.

  15. TCristatus

    The secret with duck breast is to start off with a cold pan, duck in skin side down and then gradually raise the heat. You don’t want to sear the skin straight away, that will trap the fat as an ugly white layer under the skin. Heating up from a cold pan melts the fat and it falls right out. Then pan fry like a steak.

  16. Soupbell1

    That looks so ridiculously good. Sous vide then seared? Or how did you get it looking so awesome?

  17. sadnessresolves

    Fuck a duck that’s a good lookin duck

  18. CheckYourStats

    Does anyone else here struggle enjoying Duck?

    It always looks so damned good, but the texture always — and I mean *always* throws me. I don’t know why. It can’t be the fattiness, considering how fatty some cuts of beef (and certainly pork) are.

    Is it just me?

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