Just a nice big little sandwich I made for lunch today

by ladyashford


  1. Looks mouthwatering – especially if it has some vinegar and oil on it

  2. subvocalize_it

    How do you doctor up that lettuce? Looks great.

  3. Ne_Dragon_216

    Finally found somebody else who likes lettuce as much as I do! That’s a perfect amount 🤪

  4. knowthatidonot

    It’s disgusting how much meat people put in their sandwhiches in this sub. Like two layers is more than enough…. But here it seems that the normal way to do it is to put more meat than bread, very weird to me.

  5. real question:

    Why do I often see sandwiches with a shit tone of meat on em? These are like 5 or smth slices of some sort of ham. Doesnt this taste 80% meat and 20% the rest mushed together? This is really not meant as an insult, I just dont get it.

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