First big tomato harvest of the season.

by JayD4444


  1. jh937hfiu3hrhv9

    Super nice. Just finished a couple more jars.

  2. chicityhopper

    How do you get them all to mature at the same time?

  3. Positive_Throwaway1

    Just did mine today. 3rd session, around 10 lbs per session. So far I’ve gotten 16 qts of raw-pack Romas, and 4 pints of salsa. Need to can my leftover jalapeños tomorrow.

  4. tomatocrazzie

    I do a lot of canning and love canned tomatoes. They remind me of my grandmother. But is always a little heartbreaking once you realize that that table full of tomatoes will process down to 6 or 8 quarts of canned product….

  5. petcatsandstayathome

    Look at all those beauties!! Well done!

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