I made this double decker lettuce, ham, Swiss and egg salad sandwich — is it technically a club sandwich ?

by One_Butterscotch7380


  1. Fair_Acanthisitta_75

    No frills toothpick. You are making it hard.

  2. SomalianRoadBuilder

    All ya need is a bottle full of bub.

  3. Educational_Row_9485

    “A club sandwich, also called a clubhouse sandwich, is a sandwich consisting of bread, sliced cooked poultry, fried bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise.” so technically no I don’t think so but looks good!

  4. sdnskldsuprman

    I don’t know how i keep getting away with it. Im not even a member.

    -Mitch Hedberg

  5. JensElectricWood

    I’d join this club that’s not a club!

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