I didn’t actually go for Dave’s, obviously. I just don’t have one near me in my home state

by ShoxNation


  1. Difficult-Top5342

    Nice! Hope Dave’s lived up to the hype. Sounds like an epic taste test!

  2. ShoxNation

    Definitely lived up to the hype. I imagined myself crying and what not from the spice but it was actually tolerable. Although from what I’ve read from others about Dave’s, I think my tolerance is just higher than what I thought. Nose was running for a while though! Great experience overall

  3. BurningSpore

    I really like dave’s reaper. But idk if id risk my guts like that on a trip. Cheers

  4. mrballistic

    In general, I find Dave’s too salty across the board, but maybe that’s a problem with my local and not across the whole chain.

  5. richempire

    The fries look like they are giving the finger to someone on the beach. Lol

  6. AMorder0517

    May have been the location I went to in Kansas City, but the Reaper pushed me to my limits. I’m not like some of the guys on this sub who eat superhots like they are bell peppers but I thought I had a decent tolerance. This thing kicked my ass. Had me chugging yogurt cups. Made my ears ring and I got light headed lol.

  7. AbyssalKultist

    I enjoy Dave’s, but as others have commented the quality of the meal seems to vary a bit visit by visit. Almost like it just depends on who’s cook that day or something. Overall pretty decent though! Good slaw.

  8. I tried it too. Dry and powdery. Made me cough from breathing it in. Definitely did not come even close to living up to the hype.

  9. OkConflict3037

    I can’t wait till the one two blocks from my house in Jersey opens. I wanna try that reaper sandwich so badly

  10. QuintoxPlentox

    I tried it yesterday for the first time, although I went with the Extra Hot because I read on here it tasted better than Reaper. What peope on here about it being salty is definitely true, and applies to the fries as well, but I still really enjoyed it.

  11. As other comments have said, Howlin Rays will make you think Dave’s tastes like dirt in comparison to

  12. CaliCoomer

    Dave’s reaper is a joke I can take that on a lunch break. Drive to LA and do howling rays and get their howling. I finished the sammich but prayed to the porcelain gods after

  13. _chocolate_banana

    Had to sign a reaper waiver at one location. Jajaja

  14. BorderTrike

    I’ve had their reaper level twice at my local location. The first time it wasn’t that hot at all. The second time I broke a sweat, but I still thought it belong at “extra hot” level.

    While I was happy a chain actually had something decently hot, the chicken, spices, and sauce each themselves are pretty mediocre imo

  15. GenitalPatton

    I was lucky to first try Dave’s when they were selling out of a parking lot in LA. It was phenomenal, very hot chicken. I had a hard time sitting down the next day though.

  16. Plastic_Primary_4279

    I find them plenty spicy, but the actual quality is “meh” for me. Gave me horrible stomach ache. I don’t get the hype outside of the spiciness.

  17. bwanabass

    Was the chicken overcooked and fried to dark brown or is that the sauce?

  18. RuPaulver

    I tried it for the first time recently, taste was good but was disappointed by the heat level. I’ve heard they vary wildly, so maybe I just got a bad one. Was about the same spice level as Taco Bell diablo sauce for me.

  19. SavageKitten456

    I have one around the corner from me, but their shit so expensive. It doesn’t seem worth it to me.

  20. Muntbuddy69

    Howlin rays in china town, they have an off menu heat level.

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