It went exactly how this sub could predict. I know Feld is a hot topic right now so I figured I would share.

Link to instagram reelo

by zilruzal


  1. Da_Stallion-JCI_7

    Oh god, that’s one of the lowest ratings I’ve seen on there. Yikes.

  2. katpillow

    Yowchers. Either Chef P needs to wake up and listen to the criticisms, or this place is going to be toast. Something tells me it’s going to be too little, too late…

  3. How is a 200 dinner only $$ out of $$$$? What qualifies as pricey?

  4. GrogRhodes

    Place is just meme. That Chef isn’t serious.

  5. Gil-Gunderson-24

    Can’t wait for the chef to post on IG about how this all social media’s fault

  6. UndeadAnneBoleyn

    I’m so befuddled with how the food is plated. I take more care when I slop Fancy Feast into my cats’ bowls.

  7. How the hell did a $200 tasting menu get a price rating of two dollar signs out of four? 

    For those not in the know, Infatuation is owned by JPM. It’s the bank’s effort to create their own sort of “Michelin guide”, a travel guide meant to encourage its customers to spend more money at restaurants. Unlike Michelin stars, they have a much lower threshold for food quality and service for their list, more focused on “experiences and value” and maintain a mix of expensive fine dining, cool trendy places, and classic mainstays.  

    If Infatuation is giving you a bad rating…you done fucked up pretty bad.

  8. I always thought the Infatuation was a semi sponsored website. They always seem to promote the same 20 places on a loop. But I guess not, cause no one is sponsoring that review.

  9. GregorSamsaNight

    Ok so not to belabor the cheese plate yet again, but if the idea is to try three cheeses from three different days at the same creamery, wouldn’t it make more sense to have them cut the same? Having thin slices vs shards vs cubes will change how it eats

  10. TriedForMitchcraft

    I’m just going to take this as an opportunity to give people a clearer timeline of what has happened here at Feld.

    Those that follow him on TikTok may have seen his most recent reel where he says that it was one table that has had the loudest voice. He is talking about the table I ate at which came from the subreddit’s dining club. Out of our 4, one of the diners left the viral reddit post that got a couple million views, and one left the viral negative TikTok review. I did not post as I have a rule that I just simply do not post negative reviews on reddit but I didn’t stop the other diners, who all had a spectacularly awful experience, from sharing their thoughts, which subsequently blew up on both here and TikTok.

    Jake reached out to me personally to ask me to ask the diner that posted on here to remove their post because of how negatively it was impacting their business, the diner asked that Jake reach out to her directly but he declined because he deleted his reddit account after his public beef on here with chef Wilson from Flour Power, so the post stayed up. Jake then inexplicably blocked me on social media as well as everyone that ate with me or posted on reddit. Okay, that’s fine. However, the TikTok reel where he calls out my table when every person I’ve spoken to that ate there has had a negative review of it, is pretty outstanding. Between Nagrant’s review and The Infatuation, as far as I can tell these are the only critical reviews of the restaurant posted so far and both were spectacularly negative, so maybe it wasn’t just one table. (I’m not including food influencers who literally post positive reviews of every single place they eat at).

    Now we’re here where Jake has obfuscated the lions share of the criticisms and took the opportunity to address the criticism of the cheese, which really does not make sense to me as both the reddit post and the Nagrant review agreed that this was actually the high point of the meal. I agree, the cheese was quite delicious, albeit maybe lackluster in plating technique.

    I want to be clear, while I left Feld thinking the meal was quite bad for the price point, I really appreciated that he was trying something so radically different and I thought he had room to improve and eventually turn that spot into a spectacular place but after hearing how hard he is digging his heels in and actually it is just the guests that are the problem, my optimism has completely dissipated. I am also someone that “perceived” a lack of seasoning but how could he possibly season his food correctly when he proclaims proudly that he doesn’t taste his food before serving it anyway. To me, that was really the genesis of the problems at the restaurant. Anyway, that’s my peace and the last I’ll say about Feld.

  11. Huntscunt

    The sneaky drink thing is really irritating to me. As someone who loves food but has to budget, I want to make sure I’m choosing exactly what I’m spending my money on.

  12. Everything just looks cold and slimy! Like, you can argue about an overemphasis on plating at other restaurants, but absolutely NOTHING looks good in photos!

  13. mmeeplechase

    As someone who has zero chance of ever ending up at Feld (don’t do a lot of tasting menus, wasn’t really on my radar anyway), I gotta say I’m enjoying following this whole saga + unraveling process way too much 😅

  14. JizzOrSomeSayJism

    How tf are you charging $200 and not using enough salt

  15. neurogeneticist

    I am CRINGING at the fact that they’re prominently displaying a bottle of Willet Pot Still. It’s called Pot Swill for a reason… it’s Willet’s shittiest bourbon in a fancy bottle that looks good on a bar and that’s it.

  16. suejaymostly

    “Look surprised to see each other on the same plate” I. Am. DEAD.

    Also, most of the plating feels purposefully insulting.

  17. call_me_drama

    I feel bad for the owner and employees. Doesn’t really seem like this experiment is working. 30 dishes seems excessive. It reminds me of my thoughts on places like The Cheesecake Factory (where admittedly I’ve never eaten); if you have too many options on your menu, nothing is going to be great. The chef’s creativity and the staff’s execution is spread too thin.

    I am morbidly curious and want to try Feld but $200 for something almost universally criticized is tough.

  18. CompetitiveFeature13

    This shit looks pathetic. What is the chef trying to prove here?

  19. Milton__Obote

    “Through some weird flavor science, this dish with chicken liver mousse and raspberries somehow achieves the flavor of a cheese curl. It’s a jarring moment for your taste buds, and very off-putting.“ I’m so goddamn curious about this

  20. Ok-Eagle-3467

    thank fucking god for some fucking justice

  21. deedee1801

    That’s a shame. I would have liked something good at that location.

  22. That lamb picture with the emoji looking face caught my attention. If this place has not shut down within 6 months to a year, I’d guess it has a niche audience who would come in to hate eat.

  23. Drinkdrankdonk

    Can’t wait for his whining about this

  24. Drinkdrankdonk

    I’m shocked that a guy who was a line cook for like 4 years can’t pull off a 30-course tasting menu.

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