Ah yes, serving food in a container made for fish at a vegan restaurant. Makes perfect sense.

by Ok_Salamander_6927


  1. milkshake-please

    What exactly are they serving here? Looks like a stone.

  2. metalguy91

    To remind vegans of the one thing they clearly all miss, tinned sardines, of course. /s

  3. Not sure what you’re complaining about.

    That’s a tin.. it could be used to hold anything.

    Now… someone at a vegan restaurant finding something to complain about. Spot on. 

    (There’s also a utensil dangling off a plate in the photo. It’s clearly just the serving dish)

  4. GreggyWeggs

    I think you should be more concerned about the fact that there is clearly a dung beetle working out the back.

  5. crazymissdaisy87

    or catfood. I had catfood tins shaped like that

  6. djkaercher

    Why do fancy restaurants always try so hard to serve their stuff on anything but a plate? Really grinds my gears.

  7. cranesarealiens

    If it’s a vegan restaurant, I guess there is a particular charm/aesthetic of reusing and recycling tinned fish cans like that, which are often tossed out.

    *I* don’t know if I personally find it charming, but I can see others finding it so. At least it was originally a food container too

  8. Glittering_Airport_3

    they served you a rock to eat and you’re worried about the tin they put it in?

  9. The_Powers

    That’s food? It looks like a rock, lightly seasoned with some dirty sand.

  10. AntheaBrainhooke

    What is it? A lump of bread dough? A raw potato?

  11. __KptnHaddock

    This looks like finer dining where they pack a message into their presentation. I‘m not against it.

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