#shorts #gardening101 #tipsandtricks


  1. Top 10 plants that grow well with peppers.

    Basil: This herb not only enhances the flavor of peppers but also repels pests like aphids and spider mites

    Marigolds: Known for their pest-repelling properties, marigolds deter nematodes and other harmful insects. They also attract beneficial insects that can help protect pepper plants.

    Cilantro: This herb attracts beneficial insects while repelling pests such as spider mites and aphids.

    Onions: Onions can help deter pests that commonly affect peppers, such as aphids and thrips. Their strong scent can mask the presence of peppers, making it harder for pests to locate them.

    Garlic: Similar to onions, garlic has natural insecticidal properties that repel various pests, including slugs and aphids, providing a protective barrier for pepper plants

    Carrots: Carrots can provide shade for pepper plants while their foliage acts as a living mulch, helping to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

    Tomatoes: Both peppers and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family and can thrive together. They share similar growing conditions and can benefit from each other’s presence

    Oregano: This herb grows low to the ground and does not compete for space with peppers. It can also attract beneficial insects and improve soil health

    Chives: Chives can help deter pests and attract pollinators. Their growth habit allows them to coexist well with pepper plants without competing for resources.

    Swiss Chard: Can enhance growth, deter pests, and improve soil health, making them a great combination for any garden!

  2. Suka banget! Ini tips bermanfaat banget dan saya udah coba pakai bawang-bawang di pohon mawar di rumah yang (hampir selalu) terkena hama tanaman sekarang sehat setelah dutaruh bawang-bawangan dibawahnya. ( Bisa bawang hias, bawang putih, bawang merah dan apapaun yang berbau 'bawang')

  3. As Indian i'm thinking Why this people only eat different types of chili 😂😂because in previous videos there is only shimla mirch and chili 😂😂

  4. Hai un orto bellissimo, è un giardino, mi piace cosi tanto guardarlo…ne vorrei uno uguale…io abito nel nordest d' Italia, ho un' orto ed un giardino che mi riempiono le giornate, ho da ripristinare la siepe perché abito vicino ad una superstrada trafficata… ciao, buon lavoro !!! ❤

  5. Just in case you see this. Do you have any suggestions for the best plants to grow if you live in an apartment? I'd really like to grow my own loofahs. But I'd also like to grow my own romaine as well.

  6. I've been trying grow onions, just can't seem to get them big enough. I do have my onions planted around my peppers. What's the problem with them?

  7. So cool to see all the grow bag plants! I have most of my garden in fabric grow bags so this was inspiring me to get planting! Thanks!😊

  8. This advice has been added to my gardening notes. Thanks, and please continue to keep educating us in the art of gardening 🏡🌶🧅🥕🏵

  9. Ran out of space & added strawberry starts to my pepper pot this year. They’re both doing well compared to my other strawberry starts & all my tomato’s. I think I’ll put peppers in the middle of my strawberry beds next year!

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