This is my first time growing black turtle beans (or any drying bean). I have been harvesting them as the pods dry (or are mostly dry) on the plant (to try to reduce loses to insects and because of drying space). I’m in Virginia, US – we have had long dry spells with periodic downpours (1.5 to 8 inches at a time with almost nothing in between over the last few weeks).
I harvested 20+ dried pods today and in almost every single one of them one of the beans has started to sprout. Anyone else experience this, or have any ideas why this is? Anything I can do (should I harvest the rest early if pods are yellowing but not dry?).
by Lost-in-a-rainbow
What type of irrigation are you using?
What state/county are you in?
I had this happen once a few years ago and just decided, what the hell I’ll plant the sprouting ones. They did well. But I did pay more attention to picking the pods I had intentionally drying out.
It might just be an ambient humidity thing. From the actual weather or some other source like bad drainage, standing water, or a lot of other lush plants nearby.