I made some sandwiches.

by nooyork


  1. Mallyxatl

    A sandwich description should be a requirement of this sub.

  2. ResidentEggplants

    I need descriptions read in a sultry voice for this photo.

  3. thatguygxx

    No names or descriptions of sandwiches. This is from the Internet isn’t it?

  4. Clean_Lettuce9321

    Yes you did… what time are we expected? 😉

  5. Slow_Possession_1454

    I would/could eat the 3rd plate all by myself. That combo is all kinds of awesome.

  6. chrisbibb

    Simply amazing. When I see things like this, I feel so proud of the people that make them. Good on you

  7. NightmareTycoon


    “What is it with you and fixing sandwiches?”

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