When the nostalgia hits….I get ahold of Oscar Meyer

by Jealous_Sale_4533


  1. Big_Acanthaceae951

    I love bologna sandwhiches cold or fried, but have such a hard time eating them due to hearing what it was made of growing up. Don’t know if they ever started using actual meat for it.

  2. BlackPhoenix1981

    It’s not a real sandwich unless you put those chips ON that sandwich!

  3. I had exactly that same sandwich for dinner just a few minutes ago. A nostalgia trip for sure!

  4. WingBurger88

    You didn’t have a chef growing up? I always call on chef boy-ar-dee for the classic dishes

  5. CrystaLyn12_

    I just know that bread stuck to the top of your mouth. Worth it tho, looks wonderful!

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