Hello all, I am looking for an approved source recipe / guidance on safe ways to adapt an approved source recipe in order to make some slightly sweet pickled jalapenos. Most recipes I see from approved sources that include sugar include a ton of sugar, far more than the "slightly sweet" flavor that I would like to find if possible.
For years now, before knowing better, I have used a recipe from an untested source that had a brine consisting of 3 cups 5% white vinegar, 1 cup water, 3 tbsp sugar, and 1 tbsp pickling salt.
I've read on healthycanning.com (which I understand to be a safe source) that it's ok to use peppers interchangeably, to reduce the amount of sugar in certain types of recipes that do not depend on it, and to increase the % of vinegar in a vinegar/water ratio.
Given those guidelines, would it be acceptable to start with the "pickled bell peppers" recipe from my USDA book (also here https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/pickle/vegetable-pickles/pickled-bell-peppers/ ) – but use jalapenos instead of bell peppers, reduce the amount of sugar to 4.5tbsp, and change the vinegar/water ratio from 50% vinegar to 75% vinegar, to more closely mimic the flavor of the recipe I've used in the past?
Conversely, does anyone have any approved recipe suggestions that may be closer to what I'm looking for?
Thanks very much for your help!
by Fit_Competition_7990
1 Comment
It looks like your process for adapting the pickled peppers recipe from the NCHFP is your best option, unless somebody has a different recipe like in one of the ball books that I can’t find on the internet.