Hello again, I've once again attempted to make bread in different forms. This time, I've decided to do Soft Pretzels! Let me know how I did and how I can possibly improve! Thank you all

by AnubistheGod


  1. mackenzie548

    I haven’t made pretzels yet but really want to. They look great to me! How do they taste?


    those look great. you used a lye bath, right? unbelievable crust if you didn’t.

  3. original_hoser

    So you made 7 in total? Are they sourdoughs? I’ve been wanting to make some, but I am worried about woriking with lye. I am also wondering if the work is worth just half a dozen preztels.

  4. They look superb. Do you have a recipe you can share? I am particularly interested in the dilution of the lye. Thanks

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