I was pleasantly surprised at how spicy this was. Nothing mind blowing but definitely spicier than any other big chain entree. I would definitely get this over their orange chicken any day.

by Celestron5


  1. solo_dbd_player

    It is not really, but it’s probably their best tasting version of sugar chicken I have tried.

  2. Numerous-Stranger-81

    I will have to check it out. I would appreciate something with good heat that I don’t have to chew to earths end like the chiles in the Kung Pao chicken.

  3. I heard it’s just Beijing beef sauce on chicken is that true

  4. It tastes just like Beijing beef to me. Not a fan.

  5. bumbugskank

    That looks like a tasty combo! Spicy chicken and veggies are a solid choice. Just be ready for the flavor explosion!

  6. Todd-The-Wraith

    It reminded me of bbq chicken from Tyson you know the frozen one you can buy at grocery stores. Only a bit spicy.

    I was not impressed. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good. Hot ones has all kinds of great sauces so they know how to make a good sauce. Yet somehow this is the flavor they went with. I’m not even complaining about spice level. Flavor wise it was offensively generic

  7. KnarfWongar2024

    Meh. Me and my kid had it and it was weak. 1/10 spicy and mediocre flavor. Kung Pao is spicier lol

  8. Material-Race-5107

    Idk if it differs by location but I tried it earlier today and it had almost zero discernible spice whatsoever. Had to add their chili sauce which made it delicious lol

  9. It tastes good but it’s not spicy at all lol. Like a legit 1.5/10. Kung pao is hotter and even that is like a 2. I never expect real heat from anywhere like that though.

  10. I only have a sample size of one, but when I tried it I barely detected any heat at all.

    Granted its a fast food chain so inconsistency wouldn’t be surprising.

  11. SpicySuntzu

    Key is to order something like kung Pao that has actual Chiles in it and ask them to throw another cup of those on your dish. Then you’ll get a solid 2/10.

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