This is my 4th loaf – as a beginner this is the best recipe I’ve used and the best loaf I’ve made.

I used the recipe below.

  • 350g bread flour
  • 50g whole wheat flour (for added flavor)
  • 320g water (around 76% hydration)
  • 9g salt
  • 160g levain

Performed 2 sets of stretch and folds – 2 sets of coil folds for the first 2 hours then let my dough bulk ferment on the counter for 8 hours (my house is on the colder side).

Once my dough was bulk fermented I rolled it into its shape and let it rest for a further 30 minutes on the counter. Then performed the final shaping and put it In the fridge in the baneton for 20 hours.

Let me know if you see anything I could be doing better but pretty pleased with myself ☺️

by Frequent-Talk-4666


  1. Artistic-Traffic-112

    Hi. Lovely loaf congratulations

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