Why my charcoal does this?

Why my charcoal does this?
byu/HonziPonzi inwebergrills

by HonziPonzi


  1. pepsi_dealer_420

    Shitty charcoal. Get better charcoal.

  2. yungingr

    Yep – junk charcoal. What brand? I personally only use Kingsford or B&B briquettes, and B&B or Jealous Devil lump.

  3. Soundwave234

    Looks like cowboy lump charcoal lol

  4. Kingsford Blue is all I use. Not a snob, it just works every damn time. BLUE, YOU’RE MY BOY! I see Blue, he looks glorious!

  5. EnterThe_Void_

    Thanks for posting. I learned something.

  6. Sufficient_Friend_

    Lump does this.

    It’s the show ✨before dinner 🍽️

  7. Looks like the cheap mesquite lump I get here in SoCal.

  8. JayRollaNuggFan

    Lump can do this especially if wet.

  9. Guilty-Difference-86

    Are you using lump? my understanding is that it is somehow caused by charcoal that hasn’t dried completely. Sometimes, moisture can get in if you live in a humid climate

  10. Extra-Spare5490

    Is it windy, blowing up from the lower chamber and stoking the charcoal?

  11. bobisinthehouse

    Have had this problem with mesquite lump. Popped so bad one time I still have 3 bb size scars on my left forearm where it popped and stuck till it burned out!!!

  12. barnacletrev

    Looks like Costco put Cowboy on sale

  13. OffRoadPyrate

    Close some of your vents in the bottom.

  14. Guywithanantfarm

    Why you buy charcoal with gunpowder?

  15. Honest_Win_865

    It’s not charcoal, it’s “lump” charcoal. Big difference.

  16. Triingtolivee

    Lot of fillers in your charcoal unfortunately

  17. i had this problem with old lump, there were all these little bugs in it and they did something similar as the lump was burning down.

  18. parrothead2581

    It’s from the 4th of July series.

  19. Sewerslider

    I’ve had this happen to me before. I only use natural lump charcoal and if you dump the “crumbs” from the bottom of the bag they will crackle like fireworks.

  20. bigquigglesworth

    Must be a humidity issue. Doesn’t matter the brand, lump will do this from time to time. Cowboy brand does it every time though.

  21. NJs_Very_Own

    It’s lump charcoal – that’s exactly what it does when hot. The wood is basically splitting. Don’t listen to people saying it’s cheap product. All lump charcoal does this. Happy grilling!

  22. wheelmanrob

    I have some El Diablo Mexican mesquite that does this. It burned hot as hell and didn’t last long. I know when I use it to drag the kettle away from the house lol.

  23. jeep-olllllo

    The name “black cat” charcoal should have been a clue.

  24. OzymandiasKoK

    That’s ammo burning off. I hope the crew got out first.

  25. EvilProstatectomy

    It’s crazy how there’s so many confidently incorrect people in the comment section

  26. egbert71

    Cool fireworks aimed at grillers and smokers

  27. Unfair-Control9377

    I’ve used B&B, Jealous Devil, and Fogo lump charcoals. B&B was the only one that sparked up. It was a new bag too.

  28. Mexglorious_Basterd

    I buy mesquite lump charcoal from the Mexican grocery store nearby. Every once in a while I’ll get a bad bag that throws sparks like crazy. Once the coals are spread out, it usually stops.

  29. rikster81

    That’s tree sap. My mesquite does this all the time.

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