Pumpkin & Mushroom Risotto

by tealighttrees


  1. tealighttrees

    Recipe taken from: [https://www.mediterraneanliving.com/pumpkin-risotto-with-mushrooms/](https://www.mediterraneanliving.com/pumpkin-risotto-with-mushrooms/)

    # Ingredients

    * 4 cups chicken stock (if you are a vegetarian you can use vegetable stock)
    * 8 ounces pumpkin
    * 8 ounces fresh pioppini mushrooms (or any other variety)
    * 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    * 2 small shallots, finely chopped
    * 1 spring rosemary, whole
    * Salt and pepper, to taste
    * 2/3 cup risotto rice (Carnaroli, Arborio or Vialone nano)
    * 1/2 cup white wine
    * 1/3 cup Pecorino or Parmesan cheese, finely grated
    * A sprinkle of chopped parsley

    # Instructions 

    * In a small pan, bring broth to a light simmer.
    * Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin. Remove the seeds and the rind, cut into small wedges and then into thin slices. The thinner you make the slices, the easier they will dissolve during the cooking.
    * Clean the mushrooms and trim away the ends.
    * Put oil and shallots in a large skillet. Cook on medium-low heat for a few minutes until shallots turn translucent.
    * Add pumpkin to the pan together with salt, pepper and rosemary. Then, continue cooking for about 5 minutes until the pumpkin starts to soften. Remove the rosemary.
    * Add the rice, stir for 30 seconds and deglaze white wine.
    * When the wine is completely absorbed, add the mushrooms and start pouring the broth into the pan a little at a time. Make sure to stir frequently and always wait for the liquid to evaporate almost completely before adding some more.
    * After about 20 minutes, the rice should be ready and the pumpkin nice and tender, almost pureed.
    * Turn off the flame and add Pecorino cheese. Stir vigorously to melt the cheese with the residual heat giving the dish a creamy consistency.
    * Serve immediately with just a sprinkle of fresh parsley on top.

  2. Gunstling

    This looks great! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  3. The texture looks perfect. One of the things I love about pumpkin in a risotto is how it breaks down during cooking and some of it melds with the rice, making it extra luscious!

  4. 7777ItzJenna

    This looks so good! I never think to cook with pumpkin

  5. valhallaorange

    Could I sub canned pumpkin for this recipe? I’d love to make this!

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