Works all the time.

by Pretend-Manager8429


  1. poolboy__q

    This is my favorite way, also the charcoal bag works great

  2. Joey_BagaDonuts57

    There’s more where that came from. Stick around this sub.

  3. RYouNotEntertained

    I know this sub has mixed feeling about them (can’t really figure out why), but you can pry tumbleweeds from my cold, dead fingers. 

  4. No_Refrigerator_1632

    You can also use hand sanitizer.

    Had a bottle that got old and made your hands sticky. Now a couple pumps and I’m good to go 😉

  5. IdaDuck

    I like to use a gas torch, it just takes a few seconds to get it started.

  6. ImportantStranger973

    I just rip off a little of the charcoal bag and use it. Works great.

  7. Labradoodle_Teddy_01

    Bacon grease on a paper towel or from the charcoal bag works great

  8. leestephen916

    I learned that from Good Eats host Alton Brown

  9. ExBigBoss

    lmao just buy the paraffin wax lighter cubes

  10. PM-PicsOfYourMom

    The grocer I go to has those “free take one” newspapers at the entrance. I grab one every couple times I go.

  11. analogpursuits

    I’m a fan of mopping up leftover bacon grease with paper towels, then twisting them into a ➰ shape. I freeze them in a ziploc, then use them to start mine. Messy, so do it by the sink. Bonus, it smells yummy when you’re firing things up.

  12. Ultimatenub0049

    As long as it’s only a little oil being used. Those chimneys specifically say don’t add igniter fluids when starting the fire in there.

  13. NoUsernameFound179

    I use a stainless steel alcohol stove with isopropyl alcohol to start it up, plus an extra round shield and chimney on top. I’m still working on a method to light it up with as little smoke as possible to avoid hindrance on the courtyard.

    And we want the neighbors to have a full blast of only that good smoke 🤣

  14. AwarenessGreat282

    First I heard of it was Alton Brown and Good Eats

  15. Ducal_Spellmonger

    Am I the only one that just uses junk mail?

  16. AppropriateWay690

    Nope no can do buckaroo…no kind of chemical in or on any charcoal at anytime . An electric starter is the fastest and best tasting way to go. I have judged bbq competitions and have tasted everything from white gas to motor oil in meat that has been smoked with ‘dirty’ charcoal.

  17. PorkPyeWalker

    Great method, I haven’t bought a firelighter in years. Plus it’s a great way to use up old deep fat frying oil.

  18. theresalwaysmanana

    That’s what I’ve been doing for years works great! My family wastes paper towels like crazy so I started taking them out of the garbage (all they are used for is drying hands after washing) and use them with a little cheap vegetable oil.

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