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Eggplant Rollatini Sauce:
Extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion(diced)
3-4 cloves garlic(minced)
1 28 oz can whole peeled tomatoes(preferably San Marzano)
1 28oz can crushed tomatoes(can use half of the can)
2-3 tablespoons tomato paste
Salt and pepper to taste
Handful of basil (chopped)
Red pepper flakes(optional)

Heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and red pepper flakes and stir until translucent. Add whole peeled tomatoes and crush them with hand or wooden spoon. Add crushed tomatoes and tomato paste, season with salt and pepper, stir and bring to a light boil. Simmer about 20-30 minutes while continuing to stir. Sauce will reduce a little and flavor will concentrate(you can add a pinch of sugar but I feel that when it reduces the sugar is unnecessary) Check seasonings and stir in basil at the end.

2 medium-large eggplants
1 cup or more all purpose flour
2-3 eggs
1 1/2 cups Italian seasoned breadcrumbs
1 cup plain panko breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup Romano cheese (can substitute Asiago or Parmigiana Reggiano if available)

Cut eggplants lengthwise about 1/2 inch thick. They will become pliable when fried. Some recipes call for salting your eggplant for 20 minutes in a colander to extract the bitterness. I have NEVER done so and have never had a problem. Lay out flour mixed with a little salt and pepper on one plate. Stir up. Mix eggs in another dish. Lay out 3rd dish with blended breadcrumbs and cheeses. Coat sliced eggplant on both sides with flour mixture(shake off excess flour), dip into egg wash(both sides), then coat both sides with breadcrumbs. Heat enough olive oil(about an inch)to coat the whole frying pan over medium-high heat until almost smoking, then lay eggplant in for a minute or two. Keeping an eye on it so it doesn’t burn, flip over when ready and cook one minute more making sure it doesn’t burn. Transfer eggplant to paper towel lined plates to drain. Repeat with remaining eggplant adding oil as needed.

30 oz container whole milk ricotta cheese
1 egg
1/4 cup Romano cheese
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
Chopped parsley
Salt and pepper

Mix together ingredients. Lay out fried eggplant slices and put about a spoonful of cheese at the wide end (try not to overfill). Roll eggplant towards thin end and then secure with cooking twine or toothpicks. Repeat until all eggplant slices are filled and secured. Put thin layer of sauce on bottom of pan, lay rolled eggplant slices on top of the sauce and then top/cover slices with remaining sauce and ricotta cheese mixture(might be sauce left over). Sprinkle more Parmesan and/or Romano cheese over the top. The goal is extreme pleasure so be liberal with cheese. Bake covered with foil in a 400 degree oven for 40-45 minutes. Check after 30 minutes(some ovens vary). Remove foil at the end of cooking to melt/brown cheese to desired consistency. Eggplant should be fork tender. Serve with a side salad and if more gluttony is desired, then add a side of pasta covered with remaining sauce. For those who drink alcohol, red wine goes great with this as well as some good bread to sop up the sauce and cheese.

– Dylan
#vegetarian #italianfood #eggplant #eggplantrollatini #cookingshow #cookingvideo

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