So this was my first time trying to grow tomato from seed. A loved one showed me a video where the person took a half a grape tomato and planted it with a water bottle on top, they were so excited to contribute to my gardening era, so we tried it and the tomato moulded 😂 I tried with new grape tomato seeds, this time drying them and then planting them and I put a bunch more than I even remembered because I ended up with over 30 sprouts, they all popped out within a few days of each other! It was like a miracle to me since I only thought I’d get 1 good one 😂 I could NOT kill the rest so I kept all 30+ here’s a few photos they are not all in the best shape because I’m still slowly transplanting them. Each one gives maters of a different size based on how smol the plant grew. 🥹🫶🏽✨

by serinaxoxox

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