I trimmed it, then coated in FOGO activated charcoal rub. Smoked it at 250° in a Big Green Egg over only FOGO lump charcoal, no extra wood. Went to 115° internal, then rested it in a Cambro for about 1/2 hour.

by CptnRon302



    Okay so this is the second image of a “NY Strip” that’s confused me.

    How do you get a cut so long? It looks like a loin. I’m new to meats and cuts and this looks nothing like any KC or NY Strip I’ve seen…

    (Looks great though)

  2. HeavySomewhere4412

    Meat looks great. I can’t stand those charcoal rubs though.

  3. Hannah_Dn6

    Is it just me or does that look you’re serving an elephant foot? I’d get in line for some of that!

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