55 g starter
15 g honey
100 g rye
5 cups bread flour
9 g salt
280 g water

Mixed stared, honey and water. Then added flour and salt till shaggy. Let sit for 15 min. Then began stretching and folding 3x in 30 min increments. Let sit for 2 hours, if I remember correctly. Molded again into a ball and tried to stitch it. Put in fridge overnight in a floured bowl with paper towels because I don't have the proper equipment yet. Then brought it out, scored it. Had the Dutch oven preheat to 450 and then put bread in and decreased temp to 475 for 20/25 min and back down to 250 uncovered for 20/25 min. Take out and let sit for 1 hour.

by BunnyHops23


  1. Sunflowerpink44

    How did it taste? I’ve been wanting to do a rye loaf.
    Also do you have a pic of the crumb?

  2. BunnyHops23

    It was good! It was slightly bitter but still sweet with the honey. Unfortunately, I do not have the crumb for this one as it was my first loaf. It was denser than I wanted but when I did it again, I stretched it more so it was chewier and airier. Would definitely recommend giving it a try!

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