After making flat dense loaf, after flat dense loaf, I'm finally thrilled with my results. This is, by far, my best looking loaf to date and I needed to make sure this recipe is out there for anyone else who was struggling.

by HeavyMetal714


  1. IceDragonPlay

    I have seen that recipe referred to a few times recently, will have to try it out.

    What is interesting is the starter/levain at 1:2:2 ratio. If I did that for overnight it would be past using and already falling. I have to do 1:5:5 if I want to leave it out overnight at room temp. I think generally you have to do some testing with your own starter to determine how many hours it takes to double at different ratios to be confident in a recipe using a levain.

    Just a comment, nothing wrong with his recipe!

  2. frelocate

    The recipe seems fine, but it’s pretty standard. It’s a 70% hydration, all bread flour recipe, and I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary as far as technique/process goes. I’m curious what the main difference was for OP…

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