Mine is on the right, definitely not as aesthetic but the taste holds up.

by mmanceor


  1. PaManiacOwca

    I would marry both of you for that pizzas 😀

    Both have very unique way of approaching things, left one is “you get the full mouth with every bite” and right one is “every bite matters”

  2. King_Troglodyte69

    One is a salad so winner is obvious

  3. Quantumentangled

    Looks like a win-win situation to me.

  4. penalozahugo

    At first I saw a pizza & a salad

  5. Friendly-bish6254

    Right side just bc I don’t like salad on my pizza

  6. carlos_the_dwarf_

    The ostensible adults who still don’t like vegetables are gonna say the right is better.

    But for those of us with grown up palates the left looks better 😉

  7. pizaster3

    right looks really good and at first glance yes right is superior, but i think left is just covered from all the greens so you cant see it really well.

    zooming in closely, is that bacon? or just ham? because that looks amazing. and the crust has a much better color imo than right. i think id prefer left if i can take some greens off

  8. Deathstar-TV

    The right, but that’s cus we can’t see under the salad…..

  9. Illustrious_Wall_449

    For your own sake, she won.

  10. DoctorMumbles

    Your girlfriend. No matter which one it is.

  11. Any-Year-6618

    Right, I prefer my salad on the side.

  12. xdirtyboots

    You’ve got fresh pizza: you’re both winners

  13. puffferfish

    I pick right. People who make their own pizzas tend to over-topping their pizzas because they can, but it’s not about the toppings, it’s about the notes between the toppings!

  14. Your shapes will improve with time and experience… But they look very appetizing 👍🥇🍕

  15. mrtramplefoot

    Right because I can see the cheese all the way across

  16. ResearcherBrilliant

    Left is clearly a chick pie and right is a man pie. I’d prefer the man pie but both solid.

  17. OrangeJoe83

    You have two pizzas and a girlfriend. You. You won, bud.

  18. b4ttous4i

    Who ever gets to eat those pizzas win. So ifni somehow get those pizzas I win.

  19. Acres-of-Skin

    I dunno. You’ll have to submit both pizzas for a taste test.

    Actually send two of each.

  20. Batteman87

    Someone made a salad and someone made a pizza. If it’s a salad contest, the one on the left. If it’s a pizza one, well the only pizza here is on the right. 🍕

  21. I like my salad on the side so I can go back and forth. both are a little bit too green.

    is there a description of toppings? on the left is that a fruit or balsamic reduction or maybe BBQ?
    Parsley Parmesan Pepperoni on the right? PPP

  22. TriggeringTheBots

    Arugula on pizza should be illegal.

  23. lazyetmotivated

    Right….the left one would feel like im eating a plant

  24. Nurse_Dave

    Left for presentation and eveness of the cook. That being said i wouls rather eat the pizza on the right

  25. Child_0fTheMoon

    None of y’all. WHY ARE THERE VEGGIE LEAVES!? Jk they both look delicious. Y’all done great

  26. simmobl1

    I’m sorry, but arugula is the worst topping known to man

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