Continuing on. Tried the egg noodles to drive up the protein, found I didn't care for them reheated. Adapted the spicy peanut butter chicken recipe from Stealth Health to substitute the noodles in favor of the rice.

– Coffee: 156 cals
– Oats: 348 cals (Protein: 15.5g)
Total: 504 cals

Lunch 1:
– 1.5 cups Spicy Peanut Butter Chicken: 223 cals (Protein: 47g)
– 1 cup white rice: 240 cals (Protein: 4.6)
– 3/4 cup Asparagus: 20 cals (Protein: 2.21g)
Total: 483 cals (Protein: 53.8g)

Lunch 2:
– 6 meatballs: 580 cals (Protein: 32g)
– 1 cup egg noodles: 200 cals (Protein: 8g)
– .5 cup pasta sauce: 50 cals (Protein: 2g)
– 1 cup sweet potatoes: 249 cals (Protein: 4g)
Total: 1,080 cals (Protein: 46g)

– Shake: 280 cals (Protein: 25g)
– Baked Apples: 60 cals (Protein: 0g)

Total Cals before dinner: 2,407
Total Protein before dinner: 140.3g

by FF-Medic_03

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