Molasses crinkles never fail

by leggseggs


  1. These look amazing. I’ve never had this type of cookie, but I love molasses so I’m gonna go find a recipe. Need to try my hand at them.

  2. xXNovaPrimeXx

    MOLASSES COOKIES MENTIONED!! The absolute best cookie to grace the face of this earth

  3. Where the recipe at? All the ones I’ve tried never seem to be “the one”. Not chewy enough or not molasses-ey enough.

    Edit: BTW these look very nice. Good job.

  4. lemonssi

    My favorite oatmeal cookie I make contains molasses and the texture is to die for.

  5. KTKittentoes

    These are happening as soon as I get well enough to remain standing.

  6. Zoritos64

    Fuck yes!!!!!! I always forget this is my favorite cookie until fall/winter comes around!

  7. FairBaker315

    Molasses cookies are my favorite! Those look so good, I want a glass of milk to dunk them in.

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