With a very positive twist! Ended up having MORE for dinner than expected, was able to perfectly recreate the pasta AND finish everything in 45 minutes! Alfredo came out absolutely fantastic, pasta tasted amazing, and everyone was super pleased. At first was a little iffy on trying to make more so quickly, but went for it and now I’m feeling super confident with how this turned out!

I’ll drop the rough recipe I ended up going with if anyone wants to try. Kept the Alfredo very simple and it was one of my favorites I’ve made (probably because the fresh pasta too)

by lRevenantHD

1 Comment

  1. lRevenantHD

    For the second round of pasta, I followed the exact same as the first from yesterday just for consistency sake. Almost a cup of flour (ended up using about 120g) and 2 large eggs. About a 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and pinch of salt. Set that aside to rest for about 20 minutes and started on sauce. Minced up 3 large cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of parsley and set aside. Softened garlic in about 1 tbsp of butter on medium heat. once ready raise to med high, added in about 3 more tbsp of butter and 2 cups of heavy cream. Constantly stirred while cream reduced a little. Turned down to low and added ended up being just over 2 cups of fresh shredded reggiano. Cook noodles and drop into Alfredo with a very small bit of pasta water and ready to plate.

    I added the left over Parmesan block/rind into the cream once i poured into pan. Let that cook with the alfredo the entire time building that cheesy flavor

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