I have been doing this for 6 months now so I think my starter is finally maturing. I used to have extremely dense loaves. Now my crum looks more like this. The holes aren’t very large. What are your guys thoughts on this? Does it all depend on when I use my starter? Do the holes matter significantly? Not sure I could achieve the large holes. Sometimes I let my starter sit for ~20 hours before using it in a loaf. I truly have no idea why my bread turns out the way it does. Lol. Thanks for reading/rating!

80g starter
450g White Bread Flour
50g Whole Wheat Flour
345g Warm Water
15g Honey
8g Sea Salt

Mix together, stretch and fold every 30 mins 4 times. Let sit for a total of ~8 hours. Cold proof for 24. Score and bake in Dutch oven with lid on 450 for 20 mins, lid off another 20mins at 425. Cheers!

by katertot3

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