I ordered kombu to make dashi for the first time ever and it looked like this. Package has a very small hole in it but I'm not sure if that was from me nicking while opening.The Internet says white stuff is normal but all others seem to have it in a much smaller amount.

by RonNoxAndLumos


  1. mecha_andyman

    Not bad, I’ve had packs that look lime that and are just fine and others much less coated. Haven’t noticed a difference in all the years I’ve been using it for dashi

  2. Underblade

    It’s crystallized MSG, normal to have on kombu, though I’ve never seen that much, must be good stuff lol

  3. hukuuchi12

    It is a sign of good quality
    If you care about it, Wipe gently with a non-wet towel, dabbing
    e.g. soup must be clear

  4. drunkenstyle

    If it’s crystalline, it’s msg. If it’s fuzzy, it’s mold which is rare because it’s supposed to be dry.

  5. Objective_Unit_7345

    As everyone posted.

    Actual mold on kombu, is like other foods, looks fuzzy and may include colours like blue, green, brown.
    It’s hard for mold to develop on kombu if kept in proper storage, so if you do discover some you should thoroughly check other items kept in the same storage area.

    Once confirmed that it’s not mold, would recommend briefly rinse it in a pot of hot water for half a minute, and then throw the water and then soak it for stock.

  6. TheKimKitsuragi

    Oh delicious delicious umami. You hit the jackpot here.

  7. thetruelu

    I legit thought that was a lint filter at first lmao

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