1. I am a Trapanese by marriage! My Grandma’s second husband after she was widowed was Trapanese. He was the only Grandpa I ever had. Miss him! Thank you for posting this!

  2. I hope I don't have to wittness her with a huge amount of food in her mouth, while she is talking again. Disgusting.

  3. I love you! Even if I’m not hungry I become hungry when watching you taste the food. You are amazing and I wish you best of luck

  4. It looks so delicious. 😍 But what are the ingredients? I recognized garlic, some kind of cheese and pasta, but what are the others?
    Please help. I'm a total noob at cooking.

  5. Cara amica mia, sei simpatica, brava, bella ma nel pesto alla trapanese non ci va (assolutamente) la ricotta!! Ciao bella!!!

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