First post. Have been making pizza for a year or so. This is Pieter Städler’s New York recipe. 250gm ball. Bulk ferment overnight then ball and final proof for 2 hours at room temp. Baked on pizza steel for 6 minutes. Mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheese. Pizza sauce is some blended San Marzano tomatoes mixed with some tomato puree. Yes, i know, puree, but i like experimenting! Found semolina for the first time in a supermarket today so i tried that out. Gives a nice texture.

by lychee-hero


  1. Tedders19

    I’m going to because then I if cheese if zawongo.

  2. Wide_Lychee5186

    in totally stealing this recipe, looks amazing.

  3. TheTyGoss

    Could have fooled me. Looks like you’ve been doing this professionally.

  4. LegolasNorris

    Looks nice!

    But Using “etc.” In the Title when there is one word missing to complete the phrase is annoying me 😀

  5. FramingHips

    Sauce to cheese ratio looks great, I’d be proud

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