Today, I decided to test the two most popular 00 flours for Neapolitan pizza: 5 Stagioni and Caputo!

I have found that 5 Stagioni is a really high quality flour, resulting in an active fermentation, light crumb structure, and great extensibility.

The Caputo flour on the other hand has a stronger gluten structure, more even crumb, and tastes like the Neapolitan classic!

Both of the flours are both a great start to use for pizza making, so grab a bag and try them out!

3 Hour Neapolitan Pizza
(Makes 3 doughs weighing 285g each)

2g active dried yeast
375g water
500g 00 flour
12g salt

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  1. Vito Iacopelli did a comparison between the two with a blind taste test with his friend. His friend knew by texture and flavor which one he was eating. They both like Caputo over 5 Stagioni… Both pizzas of yours look great! Price comparison, Caputo is less expensive by a long shot. Thanks for the comparison and welcome back home from Italy! 🇮🇹

  2. Really good video! Clean comparison, and very informative. Haven't used any of these flours before, but I think I'll try out Caputo next time I make pizza

  3. Wow, you don't knead at all and they develop that quickly? That's pretty nuts. I haven't played around with 00 or any of these imported flours, but if I don't knead the dough until smooth before letting it ferment, it won't hold up at all.

  4. Would be interesting if you compared Caputo's Tipo 0 and Tipo 00. I've seen quite a few reviews that say Tipo 0 gives a nicer flavor and I think I agree but would be interesed in your thoughts too.

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