Yellow circle: probably Red Dragon, kind of mild, red when ripe, about a size of my pinky

Blue circle : probably white pepper, the peppers are large and sweet, smell a bit grassy and go red if left on counter

Red circle: jalapeno

Magenta circle: yellow habanero without a doubt (sweet fruity melon like smell)

Source of seeds: local seed maker in Slovakia. I have couple more plants on balcony and I gave some away, and they are all varied like this.

by Badgers_Are_Scary


  1. driftingatwork

    Peppergate still exists! A couple years back, some companies got their seed stocks all messed up.

    So you’d order jalapeno, and get serrano or something.

  2. therobotisjames

    If he’s local why don’t you go ask them what happened? They might enjoy the feedback, especially if they’re messing up customer orders.

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