I've made this recipe about a million times. it is so cheap, easy, and delicious!

this recipe is for one 6 oz can of salmon, skinless and boneless, for personal preference 🙂 If you have never cooked with canned salmon, try this recipe! I'm not usually a canned fish fan but these are really, really good.

fully drain the salmon, I usually use the top of the can to press down on it to get as much liquid out as possible. add to a bowl and add one egg, 2 tbsp of breadcrumbs (i just used panko because it's what I had on hand, can swap for whole grain ones or make your own), a stalk of green onion, sliced, a few drops of lemon juice, and season however you like. mix it together. you may need to add more breadcrumbs, just add enough so that the mixture holds its shape when you press it together. form it into two palm sized patties and heat a little bit of olive oil on medium heat. you do not need much! enough to just barely cover the bottom of the pan is plenty. when the oil is hot, place in the patties and cook until the edges are brown and crispy & flip & repeat.

these are delicious on their own but I made a sandwich w sourdough, avo, red onion, sriracha, and greens! enjoy 🙂

by waxing11


  1. Own-Ordinary-2160

    I love a good fritter. Fritters are something I almost never ate before MD and now I’m eating them all the time. These look AWESOME!

  2. Individual_Bat_378

    I’ve made basically the same recipe but with mashed potatoes added and they become fishcakes, really nice with some salad. Might try this version too, looks really good!

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