Hi everyone! Im in need of urgent assistance. My partner and I made Marzipan treats for our wedding guests (wedding is next saturday) and we glazed them last night using Apricot Glaze. A full day has gone by and the Marzipan is looking beautifully shiny but sticky as heck!

We would like them to not be sticky as its probably going to be very messy for guests to pick up as we wanted pin their table number on them which would require some handling. We have them laid out in a tray right now, with two little fans pointing at them. Planning on putting them in the fridge overnight to see if that helps.

So that brings me to my final question.. Will apricot glaze harden and become non sticky? And if not, what can we do to make them non sticky!!? HELP!

by Important-Resident48


  1. warmblues

    I don’t have an answer to your question but WOW these are so cute!!!

  2. EconomistMindless268

    I’m sorry I don’t have any advice, but I just wanted to say these look absolutely amazing 🙂

  3. talashrrg

    If it’s jam with extra water, it will stay pretty much the consistency as jam with extra water

  4. perhaps_an_otter

    I believe it will stay sticky, but if you put a small amount of tissue paper in a box with a tiny fork, it should still look cute and look like you had meant it to be a jelly-like glaze, without making a mess

    Other suggestion is to find tiny crates or baskets and try to make it look like a farmer’s market run

    Really cute marzipan food, I hope you work something out! Congratulations on the wedding!

    Edit: clarity

  5. Physical-Flatworm454

    There is a clear edible glaze spray that exists for stuff like this. As others have said, apricot glaze will not harden…sorry.

    Those look gorgeous by the way 😉

  6. AnarchoBratzdoll

    Stays sticky. It’s just a very thin layer of jam (or jelly? I always confuse those) so it’s not drying like icing sugar icing would. It might soak in and get a little less sticky through that but idk if that happens with marzipan

  7. Simple_Tomorrow_4456

    Does it have to stay edible? If not, your options will expand for sealing and hardening.

  8. highlighter416

    Omg I’m on r/pottery and I thought these were ceramic pieces that you were just making a funny joke of lolol

    Looks amazing!

  9. ChiquiBom_

    Omg can I be invited to your wedding? These are incredible!!

  10. highlighter416

    Also, if you only used the apricot glaze on these only and you have many more to make; i say all your best friends and family gets the sticky ones with a disclaimer (those I love the most received the stickiest of all treats bc love lol)

  11. Hi! I answered on your ask baking post, but if you don’t mind remaking an apricot glaze, I’d recommend supplementing with some white sugar and using a thermometer to make sure the sugar solution reaches 300-310 degrees, I would recommend skewering and re dipping these adorable wedding gifts! If you want a really thin shell, do what people do when making tanghulu, coat the treats with the bubbles coming off of the hot sugar and twirl for a nice thin coating! Gotta work fast though so the sugar doesn’t thicken too much

  12. Pineapple_Zest

    These are so cute and gorgeous! Like others have said, it’ll stay sticky. Maybe you could coat them with granulated sugar? They wouldn’t look smooth, but adds some sparkle and might provide texture over the glaze? 

  13. ThroatEmbarrassed970

    What in the hell are these?!?! They are so cool and I’ve never seen this before

  14. Would it work to place them in a paper baking cup so that your guests could pick them up and carry them to their seats without directly touching them? They are gorgeous by the way!

  15. screamingcupcakes

    Those marxipans look FANTASTIC. And congratulations!

  16. Alternative-Still956

    Your best bet might just laying out some toothpicks

  17. happytohike

    Maybe offer toothpicks for the guests to eat them with?  There are really fancy cocktail ones. 

  18. Educational_Guest608

    I think you could try an agar agar solution like some Asian confections (https://hot-thai-kitchen.com/look-choop/) maybe?

    The other thing you could try would be melted cocoa butter, but that definitely is a lot less clear and will be a bit “foggy”.

    They look super cute otherwise!

  19. FriendlyRedditLuker

    Whoaaaaaa! These are gorgeous! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

  20. Mine stayed shiny and sticky, but it did a great job protecting my fruit and making them pretty!

  21. elememtal

    Leave them sticky. Powdered sugar may not harden and might look like mold

  22. Lili_E-cat

    I thought these were ceramics! They look so realistic because of the shading.

    I don’t know the answer to your question (and I’m happy others do) but I just wanted to tell you that you are mad talented. Apples are my faves from this bunch.

  23. powergorillasuit

    I think my best advice at this point to avoid messing up your beautiful paint job is to make a mix of powdered sugar and cornstarch like you’d coat marshmallows with to absorb the moisture on the outside. It will leave them with a slightly dusty coating, but you can use a soft powder brush to dust off the excess and they should look great. They won’t be shiny but it’ll prevent them from being sloppy!

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