I want to say thank you to this community for helping me as I have dealt with PPD/PPA this year. In May we welcomed a second little one to our family and like many new moms, I have been dealing with PPD/A.

Everyone thought I was crazy when I said I was going to try to do r/52weeksofbaking in 2024 being pregnant with a newborn on the way (not to mention with an 18 month old running around), but baking has become a huge passion of mine, in large part thanks to this community. Each week, I’ve kept with it, baking with my toddler or with my newborn strapped to me, or between naps, often from r/Dessert Person or recipes you’ve all posted, as a way to help with everything I’m feeling as a new mom again and the PPD that has come with it.

Next month I go back to work. I don’t feel ready. I’m not sure you ever do, but I know my friends here at r/baking will be there, as will my weekly bakes to get me through. A huge thank you to you all. It really has made a huge difference, truly.

P.S. If you are feeling like you are dealing with PPD/PPA, please talk to someone. You can be managing completely fine, and still have emotions and feelings that are valid and should/need be addressed.

by Hakc5


  1. *** r/dessertperson not r/dessert, though I’m sure they’re lovely people over there.

  2. throwawayelll

    I just started baking this week, needed another sober hobby and am hoping it will help with PPD/ PPA in some way. Very important message about seeking help. this community seems really great and I’m so happy that it has helped you. Those bakes look amazing, way to go!!

  3. Ok-Book7529

    Everything looks beautiful and I appreciate your openness. I am so glad for you that baking has been a healthy outlet! I often use it that way, too. Congrats on the baby and good luck going back to work!

  4. canalcreep88

    Interested to know what recipe you made over the weeks that you’d recommend others try?

  5. Matt-the-Bakerman

    Thanks for posting. I love that baking is such a rewarding and productive way of coping. Obvi not for PPD, but it’s been really helpful for me in my own feelings of depression. The goods look wonderful!

  6. miranda-the-dog-mom

    Rooting for you mama!! Your bakes look incredible, those are some lucky kiddos. I think you’ve inspired me to try the 52 Weeks of Baking next year!

  7. EchidnaAmbitious1878

    This is so nice to read. And such beautiful, detailed baking!

    I’m 5 months PP as well and baking has also helped me tremendously. Sending love and congratulations on your little one! 🤍

  8. OneParty3914

    I recognized the Claire recipes by your pictures! Love her recipes, and have both of her books. Your bakes look amazing 😍

  9. Mimsy100

    Baking is excellent to ease anxiety or depression

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