An thoughts on why it was so chewy?

by Visual-Ad-9596


  1. therealNaj

    Also interested in why this guys steak was chewy

  2. thevoid__

    They look awful indeed, there are some rules on how tu cut and prepare 

  3. Currant_Warning

    Picanha needs to be cut against the grain or it will be chewy. You may not have done this

    Look up guga foods on YouTube and he has great instructions on cooking picanha

  4. Humbler-Mumbler

    Try marinating it in vinegar or lime juice overnight next time. That does wonders for tenderizing chewy cuts.

  5. doughball27

    Some pichanya have big muscle fibers that only tenderize in sous vide. This looks like one of those cuts.

  6. EnthusiasticAmateurr

    What were the cooking times/temp etc?

  7. Because it needs a longer cook. Sous vide or reverse sear works best

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