I made my first loaf today! I’ve made bagels and focaccia before, but never a loaf. Thoughts on how it looks? It tastes AMAZING!!

by Significant-Excuse-3


  1. Regular_Airline_2980

    My thought is HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS FOR YOUR FIRST LOAF 😂😂 I suck at it so this looks perfect to me!!!

  2. jdehjdeh

    Looks fantastic!

    My first loaf looked like a flying saucer from the bread planet.

  3. Artistic-Traffic-112

    Hi. Cogratilations beautiful loaf. Well done

  4. Educational-Salt9941

    Looks really good! Way better than my first!

  5. Lazy-Student-3977

    Not safe to eat. You should definitely let me take that off of your hands to dispose of it properly…

  6. invitelove

    Wait wait wait, I see your oven rack is scooted down a bit from the middle. Should I be doing that?!?

  7. Acceptable-Music-843

    Gorgeous!! Well done!! Amazing!!

  8. jmeisternixon

    Great structure and even bake! The crust looks dark for the nice contrast for your scoring but doesn’t seem over baked on the outside. Lather it up with some butter and congratulate yourself!

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