Dad gave me some grates to clean. Decided to just throw them on some hot coals and scrape them cause it was so beautiful out. Then decided to throw some ribeyes on them. Gonna have to break the news to my dad that his grates got stolen

by The_Mortal_Ban


  1. AskThis7790

    Hell yes it counts! In fact, I think it counts double!

  2. Professional_Mud483

    We have a lodge ribbed and flattop that we throw on top of hot charcoal and it’s a really hot and great result.

    Nice work

  3. OhJustANobody

    Fire ✅
    Grill ✅
    Meat ✅

    Hell yeah you’re grilling. My favorite way to grill is with wood. Growing up in Brazil, that was the only way we did it.

  4. Hungry-Credit6520

    It does in my book… looks dang good 👍

  5. Impressive_Budget736

    It doesn’t get more fundamental than that.

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