The blackberries and apples were locally foraged. The raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are from my mother's garden. I thought her little end-of-season berries looked a little small and sad, so I wanted to honor her gardening and celebrate those little berries before she heads further into the cold depths of a Pacific Northwest autumn.

I couldn't think of a better berry pedestal than a classic fresh fruit tart. The pâté sucrée is my own little recipe that includes lemon zest and some almond flour, and I also threw some lemon zest into the crème pâtissière. The apricot glaze was made from my mother's own homemade apricot preserves.

I didn't have a tart pan on hand, so I flipped a cake pan over and sent up a prayer…the shell is a bit of a mess but hopefully the fruit is distracting enough.

Stress level -20 pts 💕✨

by renoona


  1. RadiantWhisper6

    Love the effort! foraged berries and garden fruits are a great touch!

  2. cupcakegiraffe

    Looks really great! I would love a slice. 🙂

  3. Gryffin_Ryder

    I’m really sorry that you were stressed but the tart in that first pic is literal art.

  4. That looks too good to eat! I wouldn’t want you cutting and ruining something so beautiful!

  5. Eis-Kalt

    I know you are likely in the US, but the pacific northwest will always be Russia to me

  6. Ok_Butterscotch5997

    wow this not only looks gorgeous but also delicious

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