Orange duck is all about indirect heat

by phxop8


  1. hades4you

    Looks great, love duck! What’s the thing the veggies are in called?

  2. SonofCraster

    More details on the process please. And I hope that’s a basket of veggies you placed under the duck while it cooked!

  3. anti-zastava

    Tell me the veggies got some of the duck fat during cooking! Looks amazing!!!

  4. egbert71

    I get what you’re saying, but i need crispy skin on my water fowl

  5. 4 burner Charbroil. Left 2 burners on. Right side foil for the bird. Left side top start the veggies in the basket. 30 mins on each side then breast up. Turn on right side burners to crisp the bird. Turn off left side and drop the veggies to lower grill. 10 mins each side of bird to crisp skin. Apply orange glaze on final side. Kept turning veggies throughout process. Absolute mess on the foil’s side but well worth it!

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