Obviously y’all can see it for yourselves, but just in case anyone is interested, here’s what you’re looking at…

Plain toasted bagel
Cream cheese
Over medium egg with salt, pepper, and choice of seasonings (I like oregano, rosemary, and/or thyme)
And blueberries

by Bad_Luck_Bastard


  1. lookatmynipples

    Blueberries are a choice but wrong sub my dude

  2. IKissedHerInnerThigh

    Why have you got blueberries with bacon and eggs? Oh…American.

    I was on a Caribbean cruise and I saw an American dude with a plate full of sausages and strawberry jam (jelly in the US) he was scooping the jam (jelly) with the sausages…not good.

  3. WhatsTheGoalieDoing

    Awful. Eggs look like they’ve been shot on a course towards the sun. 

  4. Smurf-daddy

    No offense but this belongs in /stupidfood subreddit

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