I didn't do anything different and I followed the instructions to a T but somehow my brownies tried to turn inside out.

by Kohi-to-keki


  1. modern-disciple

    Has this recipe worked before? Do you have an oven thermometer?

  2. Toldasaurasrex

    Kind of looks like the skin on a chicken thigh if you placed it skin side down on a really hot pan.

  3. crackerfactorywheel

    What recipe are you using? I’ve never had brownies do this to be before when I’ve baked them.

  4. Crazy_lady60

    Old eggs or old butter. Looks like too much liquid

  5. longlisten527

    Did you mix it in a separate bowl or in this dish??

  6. Emeryb999

    Did you put the dish in the oven empty first? It looks like an effect from the sides cooking weird/temperature differences.

  7. BahamaArtist242

    Looks like a wash cloth was used when a bath towel was needed 🤔

  8. Catloaver

    *moisturize me, moisturize me!!*

    Sorry, I’m not sure what happened, but it looks neat!

  9. Kunisada13

    A true mystery, but I’m also wondering how they tasted and what the textures were like on the edge vs middle when you cut into them

  10. Lemonheads

    Did you cut them? Do they happen to be fluffy or less dense on the edges and “normal” in the middle?

    Did you let the batter sit in the pan for more than 10-15 mins before baking?

    To me it looks like the butter separated and then “steamed” up through the edges of the batter. Random hypothesis.

  11. wantbeanonymous

    Did you leave the batter sitting in the tray for an unusually long time before putting it in the oven? Like, did the top of the batter dry out a bit/form a skin like pudding before baking? I’m not even sure if that could cause this…

  12. Dead thought that was a piece of leather for a sec

  13. From what I know and am guessing a bit here as well, the sides may have gotten very hot that the batter was bubbling/boiling on the sides, which disturbs the sugar on the surface of the sides thus preventing the forming of the skin.

  14. Saratrooper

    I deadass thought you threw a slice of American cheese on there and baked it as-is. And I was like BROOOOOO.

    Anyways, I hope someone can give you some insight because this is just so bizarre looking. Is the texture and taste affected as well, or is it just the appearance?

  15. Did you wait for your oven to preheat? My mom never waits for the oven to preheat. Her brownies turn out both overcooked and raw.

  16. Notarealusername3058

    Looks like the outer edge boiled before getting solid. Which is weird.

    I’m thinking too much moisture in the mix and/or too high temp on oven.

  17. backwardssdrawrof

    So the crunchy edges but soft middle make me think there was a few different things at play. Crunchy could mean that there was less moisture, whether from cooking out or too hot and the fat fries the area. 

    Possible influences could be:
    * temperature difference — was the oven preheated? Were your eggs room temp or butter softened?

    * weather/humidity change — less moisture in the air, more sensitive to changes

    * different eggs — jumbo vs large eggs means more egg white and more liquid, changes what gets cooked

    * different spatula or way of laying out the batter — if overbeat, or mixed with more air, putting the batter in could be pushing out air and lighter batter pushed to the edges… which explains the baking differences

    I’m so curious about if you figure it out!

  18. CandyHeartFarts

    Looks like the top baked too fast, creating the crust, but there still needed to be room for the brownies to rise a bit, and so they pushed up along the sides, came up and around on top of the crust that had already been formed.

    To me this could be caused by undermixing or if the batter sat out in the pan too long and had different temperatures on the sides than the middle causing an uneven baking like we see.

  19. ZodiacSong

    I’ll say this, when I spray the pan and a little goes on top of the brownies, they get this weird texture on the edges. Did any spray leak on top of the brownies after being poured?

  20. Sarcastic_Capricorn

    They were left in the dryer too long

  21. EastTyne1191

    Probably uneven oven temperature or maybe the pan. It looks like the sides heated up too quickly, so it’s possible the pan contributed somehow.

    I’d try it again in a different pan, then just go ahead and mail the brownies so we can test them. … for Science.

  22. In all my years of baking and cooking, I’ve never seen anything like this. I can’t even begin to guess.

    This is exceptional in the “this is nuts and we need to do a study” exceptional.

  23. holderofthebees

    I’m really not sure but I do think you need to donate this to a scientist somewhere for further research

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